Wednesday, March 09, 2005

When Did I Post Last, What Did I Say?

How lazy am I anyway?

Two great shows back to back - Tobacco Road in Miami was a scream and apparently, they want us back in April already. We had a blast, they fed us well, you know - I think I already did this, like, wrote this. How gone am I? Did I mention Tracy Belcher, who was celebrating a birthday, whom we serenaded and baptised in that musical way? She and her whole party was a wonder to behold and they helped make the evening beautiful - though they were seeking a lost purse when they left and we hope that didn't put a damper on what seemed to be an otherwise incredibly fun evening for them.

Hanging at the hotel was fun, I just love being around these people - John Bunky Randy JD, Ann, Jeff, Linda, Erica and of course sissie-poo, K. and her beau (I distinctly remember doing this) I could always just open another browser window and see, but nooooooo.

I know, at least, that this is new - last night's show at the 93rd Annual Central Florida Fair was the best ever, and I'm not just saying that. Our third time back, we had a better stage (across from some kickin' food kiosks and two synchronized Ferris wheels with lots of pretty lights all over them) and colder weather, but we played over three hours and got the nicest comments from fair employees and audience members alike. Thank you to everyone who's been so nice to us these past few shows - it's super-encouraging to get that energy from you!

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