Friday, June 05, 2009

Catching Up

Just got back from Key West and it was heavenly. Nice to escape all of the rain, sirens, minibikes, screaming neighbor children and howling dogs for awhile. Most of the time was spent sitting on patios, boat decks and in comfy chairs strumming my dulcimer and simply enjoying the music with no agenda.

Now, back home, there's plenty of agenda, including the continuing production of "Dive!", which resumed this week. The album is beginning to take a definite shape and theme, with the inclusion of a couple of tunes that I didn't think would end up here ("Artist", "Nine One One".)

A good portion of today was spent printing out lead sheets for "Drinking Out Loud", "Icarus" and "April Fools", all of which will go into rehearsal mode for inclusion in my live set. A new tune, "Big Fish, Little Pond", has been actually cooking for a few years and now's the perfect time to bring it out into the open.

Lots of stuff happening over the next few weeks, starting with a solo show tonight at the St. Cloud Hotel and Spa from 7-11 pm. Next week begins a four-state tour as I visit Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.

The temporary sunshine that gloriously warmed central Florida is now giving way to black clouds and distant rumbling - better put a cap on this post before the power gets knocked out by one of those many lightning bolts that have been hitting the ground, fence posts, telephone poles and power lines around here. Have a great weekend if I don't see you tonight in the Easy Street Lounge!

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